
First Lithography

First Lithography

We are glad to launch our really first lithography with Frederic Forest and the printer Idem Paris.

« Nue Bleue » is a 3 Colors Lithography printed on Marinoni machine.

Frederic has drawn an original drawing on a flat stone and an original drawing on a metal foil according to the traditional technique of lithography. Both have been used for this unique print and have been erased during the process.

It follows the pure tradition and respect of the art print : Nobody would be able to print it again.

Idem Paris is this confidential workshop but well known by all international galleries and artists. Voirin and Marinoni lithography presses that Picasso, Matisse, Miro, Chagall or Giacometti worked on are still in use. Contemporary artists such as Jean-Michel Alberola, Sophie Calle, Paul Mc Carthy, JR, Liu Bolin or David Lynch are regulars of the atelier.

"Nue Bleue" is available in our shop

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