
You are my Day

You are my Day

You are my day reminds the spectator that no distance can replace the omnipre- sence in the mind that a significant person can occupy.

Much like a cinemato- grapher or photographer, Frédéric uses his drawings and paintings to share this fictive story which is laid out for the viewer much like a photographer would share his developed negatives.

While the artist sheds light on this fragmented story, it is entirely up to the viewer to to decide if the characters are masculine or feminine, if they remind him / her of a soulmate, a family member, or a past or present lover; if they see flowers or weeds, if the sun’s energy is positive or negative ... by removing the “identities” of the main individuals, Frédéric Forest allows each observer to interpret the story as they wish to see it unfold, attributing the roles of the main characters to whom they wish.

April 14th — August 31st
The Eleven House
c/Major 11
17113 — Peratallada Girona — Spain